Knowing Your Genetic Profile is Goal(d)

May 15, 2020 | Health

Fitting in Your Genes

We often embark on a health & fitness program knowing very little about our physicality other than what we see in the mirror or feel in our body when we exert ourselves. Technology now exists – at an affordable price – that enables us to know about our physical make-up right down to our DNA. Through a simple saliva test, we can uncover hidden information that is vitally important to help set your health goals. Once you know your genetic profile, you can adapt your lifestyle accordingly, making it easier to reach your goals.

How Genetics Influence Response to Training

You may have the genetic potential to be a champion athlete, but if you have a poor diet and lifestyle and don’t exercise, you’re unlikely to achieve that potential. On the other hand, you may have limited genetic potential, yet find ways to compensate and become a high achiever. Genetics have a large influence over strength, muscle size and composition (fast or slow twitch), lung capacity, flexibility and, to some extent, endurance. They have less influence over balance, agility, reaction time and accuracy.

Your genes also determine how your body responds to training, diet and other external factors. Training increases cardiac efficiency, but the extent of this increase depends upon your genetics. Research on aerobic endurance shows that some people respond more positively to training than others. So even if you have a low genetic potential for endurance, you may respond well to training and develop your potential more completely than someone with genetic ‘talent’ who doesn’t respond to training.

While it is more likely that elite athletes are blessed with great genetics, even recreational athletes can make the most of their ability through optimal conditioning, good nutrition and a positive mental attitude. You can further enhance your results by doing what is most suited to your DNA profile.

How Genetics Influence Your Response to Training

You may have the genetic potential to be a champion athlete, but if you have a poor diet and lifestyle and don’t exercise, you’re unlikely to achieve that potential. On the other hand, you may have limited genetic potential, yet find ways to compensate and become a high achiever. Genetics have a large influence over strength, muscle size and composition (fast or slow twitch), lung capacity, flexibility and, to some extent, endurance. They have less influence over balance, agility, reaction time and accuracy.

Your genes also determine how your body responds to training, diet and other external factors. Training increases cardiac efficiency, but the extent of this increase depends upon your genetics. Research on aerobic endurance shows that some people respond more positively to training than others. So even if you have a low genetic potential for endurance, you may respond well to training and develop your potential more completely than someone with genetic ‘talent’ who doesn’t respond to training.

While it is more likely that elite athletes are blessed with great genetics, even recreational athletes can make the most of their ability through optimal conditioning, good nutrition and a positive mental attitude. You can further enhance your results by doing what is most suited to your DNA profile.

Discovering Your DNA

There are numerous benefits to doing a DNA test. Aside from knowing your DNA make-up to best devise a training strategy that will deliver maximum results, it is also useful for your long-term health. Knowing what conditions you are genetically predisposed to allows you to adjust your lifestyle to reduce the risk of that condition manifesting in the future. For example, since heart disease is hereditary in my family, I keep myself fit and don’t have a diet high in saturated fats. Knowing your health blueprint allows you to be proactive, rather than reactive, when it’s often too late!

If you would like to learn more, or do a lifestyle based DNA Test (which includes the ultimate in a tailor-made health program), click here.

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    Would you say you have time to relax?
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    How often do you have a good nights sleep?
    What about Stress?
    Do you ever feel bloated and blah?
    How often do you think you should do a detox
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    Do you feel your waist band is a bit tight?
    How fit would you say you were?
    How often do yo feel fully energised?
    How often do you think about going on a diet?
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    Do you suffer frequent headaches?
    Have you experienced poor digestion and bloating?
    Do you have occasional acne and breakouts?
    Have you struggled shifting excess weight
    Do you have or had bad breath
    Do you sometimes feel sluggish and lacking in energy
    Have you got poor sleep patterns
    Do you experience unexplained muscle aches and pains
    Do you suffer fogginess or forgetfulness?
    Do you feel anxious and/or suffer mood swings
    De you get recurring infections
    Do you have nerve pain or numbness
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  • SweatBothYoga
    Do you prefer sweating or exercise like yoga?

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